Club “Preschooler” Academy of Childhood “, leader: Baldina I.V.
The club purpose: Perfection of quality of vocational training of experts in educational process of college in the conditions of realization of the State program of development of education KR for 2016-2019 y.e.
Patriotic education club through museum pedagogy, leader: Sarayeva L.M.
Students which actively participate in this club recreate the history of the college museum and conduct excursions for the first courses students;

Professional club “Teacher”, leaders: Yakovleva I.G. and Kozhabergenova A.K.
The purpose of this club is to improve the pedagogical and creative abilities of students.
The motto of the club is “To learn-to know! To know-to be able! To be able-to do! To do-to receive joy!”.
Club “Zhas Sarbaz”
Club “Zhas Sarbaz” was formed on May 22, 2019. Total number of club members – 125 students of 1 course. Military rank of commander – Captain Nugmanov SK.
The purpose of the club is to educate the growing generation of high patriotic feelings and moral qualities, civic activism, patriotism, spiritual and moral development and a sense of responsibility for the patriotic image of the Motherland, propaganda of a healthy lifestyle and popularization of military-applied sports.
Within the framework of the club’s work, meetings are held annually with representatives of the Republican Public Union of Veterans and Invalids of the War in Afghanistan and local conflicts “Veteran”, military-sports games among students. Participants of the military-patriotic club “Zhas Sarbaz” are the undisputed winners of the district military-sports competitions among the colleges of the Auezov district of Almaty.
Сlub “Sanaly Urpak”
In order to form the principles of order in society, the rejection of corrupt practices in AGGPK №2 created a voluntary club “Sanaly Urpak”. Within the framework of the club are held various events aimed at the development of anti-corruption culture, zero tolerance for corruption in society as well as among the students of the college.
In order to achieve the main goals of anti-corruption activities in the framework of the club are held events that solve a number of tasks, namely: 1) attracting public attention to the problem of corruption; 2) creation of new behavioral values for the prevention of corruption as a means of resolving personal, group or corporate interests.
Members of the club take part in the implementation of social, youth initiative projects in the field of anti-corruption, interact with public funds.
Сhorus is led by Skulkova O.I.
Dance studio «Action»
Girls attending the studio actively participate in all activities of the college, district and city of Almaty.
Dambro ensemble
Applied art studio “Beautiful with their own hands” the head of N.A Gorbacheva.
The main aim of the work of this studio is the formation of artistic culture among students, the development of creative activity, mastering the figurative language of arts and crafts.
Vocal studio
The ``Alau`` magazine

The information-methodical journal “Alau” is a publicistic printed edition of the Almaty State Humanitarian and Pedagogical College№ 2.
The magazine is designed to provide information to young people and college staff with reliable and up-to-date information about the life of the institution and the most significant events occurring not only within the walls of the ASHP № 2, but also beyond its borders.
Information and Methodological Journal “Alau” is published since November 2016.The magazine includes the following headings: “Panorama” (news, facts), “Teaching Others, Learning Yourself” (conduct with practice, demonstrative lessons, scientific and methodological articles), “Creative Search” (creative articles, poems of personal composition and etc.).
The magazine publishes articles in a different genre orientation (reportage, interview, essay, review, creative portrait, problem article – genre mix):
— written in an attractive accessible form reports, announcements and reports about the activities of the college and its daily activities;
— results of sociological surveys of students and staff of the ASHPC № 2;
— auxiliary information for improving the progress of students and the activation of the educational process;
— analytical articles and materials aimed at increasing the social activity of students, their full participation in events and events held in the college;
— materials of information-entertaining nature, contributing to the conduct of a healthy lifestyle and organization of cultural recreation and leisure, crossword puzzles, quizzes;
— other materials deserving public attention ASHPC № 2;
The management of all current activities of the amazing is carried out by the editorial board of the number of teachers ASHPC № 2. The editorial board attracts students to work on public principles. Information content of the journal is provided by the editorial board.
Periodicity, circulation and format of the publication: The “Alau” magazine is published at least once in 3 months, with a circulation of at least 10 copies.

Sports sections
Sports sections. Educators Kostenko LV, Pogodin RL and Polyansky N.S.
1 team place in the 20th Spartakiade among the TVE in Almaty 2016 у.е. – Certificate of the Department of Education of Almaty city;
- Cross- 1 place
- Presidential all-around – 1 place
- Applied sports – 3 place
- Table tennis – 1 place
- Volleyball – 2 place
- Basketball – 2 place
- Football – 1 place
- Chess – 2 place
- Тоғыз құмалақ – 2 place
Educational-pedagogical practice

As a part of the training of qualified specialists in the field of education, a compulsory condition is the passage of students of the college of professional practice:
To consolidate and systematize the knowledge of students, received by them in the process of theoretical training, to instill the necessary practical skills and skills in the specialties, and also to attach them to work in the work collective.
In accordance with SNSE T&PE RK during the whole period of training it is envisaged to conduct different types of practice: educational, pedagogical and pre-diploma. Replacing and mutually complementing each other, they are an integral part of a holistic educational process aimed at the formation of a professional specialist.
In the college there are developed programs of practice, practice diaries, calendar dates.
In the course of professional practice, students have a responsible attitude to practical training, independence, willingness to cooperate with other people and a creative attitude to the future profession.

Assessment of the level of vocational training

According to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from March 18, 2008, No. 125 “On Approval of the Model Rules for Conducting Current Monitoring of Academic Progress, Intermediate and Final Certification of Students,” the final attestation of students in the college includes:
- Final certification of students in education organizations;
- Assessment of the level of professional preparedness and qualification awarded by the certification center of specialists «Concrete Certificate».
Based on the results of the final certification of college graduates in the 2016-2017 academic year, all students: 215 full-time students and 31 distance-learning students passed a qualified examination and qualified work in the specialties, having received a certificate of qualification.
Diplomas with honors received 36 students: 32 full-time department and 4 part-time departments.
According to the results of the final certification, 50% of students passed examinations at an excellent level, a good level of 44%.

Research activity of students
The college is working on the preparation of research projects that are trained in republican and city scientific and practical conferences. To this end, the Scientific Society of Learners “Zarteu”.
The main objectives and tasks SLC are:
– formation of students’ interest in scientific research;
– identification and development of their creative abilities;
– training in research methods;
– education of the creative personality;
– assistance in the development of creative attitude to work, active life and civil positions, high moral qualities and spiritual culture;
– scientific research work of students in the college is aimed at creating conditions for improving the professional training of students on specialties.
SLC” Zertey” trains the skills of working in creative groups and forms an understanding of the main stages of research and project activities, develops the skills of applying theoretical and empirical research methods, the ability to analyze, compare and summarize the results of research and project activities.

Auxiliary structures of the educational process of the college
- Methodical association of tutorsMethodological association of tutors is a structural subdivision of the internal management system of the educational process, coordinating the scientific, methodological and organizational work.The function of the methodological association of tutors:-Organizes the study and development of modern education technologies by tutors,forms and methods of educational work.-Discusses the social and pedagogical programs of tutors and creative groups of teachers, materials for summarizing advanced pedagogical experience, materials for certification of tutors.- Develops and regularly corrects the vision statements of education.- -Coordinates the educational activities of the tutors and organizes their interaction.
-Organizes collective work.
– Tutor’s work evaluates by college administration to encourage the best one. - Youth Committee The goal is the formation of civic engagement of students, promoting the development of their social maturity, the ability to self-organize and self-development. The structure of the Committee on Youth Affairs of College.The Youth Committees is governed by a chairman appointed by open elections KDM consists of a chairman, group students.-. The chairman supervises the activities of the structure and bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Committee and the implementation of its functions, also distributes responsibilities between the members, coordinating their activities.
- Law Enforcement Prevention CouncilThe Prevention Council is a collegial body, the purpose of which isplanning, organization and implementation of control over the conduct of primary,secondary and tertiary prevention of socially dangerous phenomena (unsupervised,violations, anti-social actions) and socially dangerous diseasesamong the learners.The activity of the Council on prevention is based on the following principles:- legitimacy, democracy and humane treatment of juveniles;- an individual approach to juveniles and their families;- observance of confidentiality of the received information;- ensuring the liability of officials and citizens for violations of rights andlegitimate interests of minors.
- Headquarters of narcological posts